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[['love-gift-certificate-gc03lr', '', 'item.', ''],['jewelry-be-gentle', '', 'item.', '"Be Gentle" Jewelry'],['roab-c', 'ROAB-C', 'item.', '"Rocks of Ages" Cross Bracelet'],['rocks-of-ages-desk-rock-road', 'ROAD', 'item.', '"Rocks of Ages" Desk Rock'],['roab-l', 'ROAB-L', 'item.', '"Rocks of Ages" Leaves Bracelet'],['rocks-of-ages-necklace-roan', 'ROAN', 'item.', '"Rocks of Ages" Necklace'],['rocks-of-ages-pocket-rock-roap', 'ROAP', 'item.', '"Rocks of Ages" Pocket Rock'],['roaa', 'ROAA', 'item.', '"Rocks of Ages" Stone Altar'],['rocks-of-ages-wedding-rock-roaw', 'ROAW', 'item.', '"Rocks of Ages" Wedding Rock'],['cards-personalized', '', 'item.', '"Sheltering at Home"'],['-703', 'B703', 'item.', '#FREETOBEME Bookmark'],['-707', 'B707', 'item.', '#GODKNOWSMYNAME Bookmark'],['-702', 'B702', 'item.', '#IAMNOTALONE Bookmark'],['-705', 'B705', 'item.', '#LOVEALWAYSWINS Bookmark'],['-701', 'B701', 'item.', '#LOVEGODSCREATION Bookmark'],['-706', 'B706', 'item.', '#WALKINFAITH Bookmark'],['-704', 'B704', 'item.', '#WEAREGODSIDEA Bookmark'],['pc07r', 'PC07R', 'item.', '\'Comfort & Peace\' Prayer Card with hand painted Lake Superior stone'],['pc08r1', 'PC08R', 'item.', '\'Prayer for Today\' Prayer Card with hand painted Lake Superior stone'],['tis-grace-bookmark-b916', 'B916', 'item.', '\'tis Grace Bookmark'],['stamps', 'STAMPS', 'item.', '10 Postage Stamps'],['banner-200801-sale', '', 'banner', '15% Off Greeting Cards and Journals'],['mag-thy', 'MAG-THY', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "...Thy will be done"'],['mag-abo', 'MAG-ABO', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "Above All Else"'],['mag-bes', 'MAG-BES', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "Be Still"'],['mag-ble', 'MAG-BLE', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "Blessed are Friends"'],['mag-bre', 'MAG-BRE', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "Breathe Deeply"'],['mag-chh', 'MAG-CHH', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "Choose Hope"'],['mag-com', 'MAG-COM', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "Come and Rest"'],['mag-con', 'MAG-CON', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "Coneflowers"'],['mag-sta', 'MAG-STA', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "Consider the Stars"'],['mag-beg', 'MAG-BEG', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "Each Day...Begin Anew"'],['mag-enj', 'MAG-ENJ', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "Enjoy Life\'s Blessings"'],['mag-eyd', 'MAG-EYD', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "Enjoy Your Day"'],['mag-eve', 'MAG-EVE', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "Everyone who seeks finds..."'],['mag-fri', 'MAG-FRI', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "Friends Color Our Lives"'],['mag-psa', 'MAG-PSA', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "God Goes Before You"'],['mag-gpt', 'MAG-GPT', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "Grandparent"'],['mag-ima', 'MAG-IMA', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "Just Imagine"'],['mag-kin', 'MAG-KIN', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "Kindness matters..."'],['mag-let', 'MAG-LET', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "Let Go"'],['mag-lis', 'MAG-LIS', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "Listening"'],['mag-fly', 'MAG-FLY', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "Live Freely in Grace"'],['mag-gra', 'MAG-GRA', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "Live in Gratitude"'],['mag-lik', 'MAG-LIK', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "Love is Kind"'],['mag-lov', 'MAG-LOV', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "Love"'],['mag-mas', 'MAG-MAS', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "Masterpiece"'],['mag-mir', 'MAG-MIR', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "Miracles"'],['mag-lea', 'MAG-LEA', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "Peace I leave with you"'],['mag-woo', 'MAG-WOO', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "Remember to Walk in the Woods"'],['mag-hop', 'MAG-HOP', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "Scatter Seeds of Hope"'],['mag-joy', 'MAG-JOY', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "Scatter Seeds of Joy"'],['mag-lve', 'MAG-LVE', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "Scatter Seeds of Love"'],['mag-pea', 'MAG-PEA', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "Scatter Seeds of Peace"'],['mag-sea', 'MAG-SEA', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "Seasons"'],['mag-shi', 'MAG-SHI', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "Shine"'],['mag-sun', 'MAG-SUN', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "Sun\'s Rising & Setting"'],['mag-tea', 'MAG-TEA', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "Teaching"'],['mag-hea', 'MAG-HEA', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "The Heavens"'],['mag-wis', 'MAG-WIS', 'item.', '3 x 3 Magnet "Wisdom is a tree of life..."'],['mag-afq', 'MAG-AFQ', 'item.', '3x3 Magnet "Ann Frank Quote"'],['mag-bir', 'MAG-BIR', 'item.', '3x3 Magnet "Birch Trees"'],['mag-nrd', 'MAG-NRD', 'item.', '3x3 Magnet "Bird-Nerd"'],['mag-bag', 'MAG-BAG', 'item.', '3x3 Magnet "Bloom & Grow"'],['mag-crd', 'MAG-CRD', 'item.', '3x3 Magnet "Cardinal"'],['mag-chk', 'MAG-CHK', 'item.', '3x3 Magnet "Chickadee"'],['mag-bel', 'MAG-BEL', 'item.', '3x3 Magnet "Christmas Bells"'],['mag-eag', 'MAG-EAG', 'item.', '3x3 Magnet "Eagle"'],['mag-ntr', 'MAG-NTR', 'item.', '3x3 Magnet "God\'s Fingerprints"'],['mag-ccl', 'MAG-CCL', 'item.', '3x3 Magnet "God\'s Light Among Us" '],['mag-gro', 'MAG-GRO', 'item.', '3x3 Magnet "Grow in Love"'],['mag-hpt', 'MAG-HPT', 'item.', '3x3 Magnet "Hope"'],['mag-jih', 'MAG-JIH', 'item.', '3x3 Magnet "Joyful in Hope"'],['mag-oce', 'MAG-OCE', 'item.', '3x3 Magnet "O Come Emmanuel" '],['mag-pot', 'MAG-POT', 'item.', '3x3 Magnet "Potter"'],['mag-pra', 'MAG-PRA', 'item.', '3x3 Magnet "Prayer for Today"'],['mag-hum', 'MAG-HUM', 'item.', '3x3 Magnet "Ruby Throated Hummingbird"'],['mag-sav', 'MAG-SAV', 'item.', '3x3 Magnet "Savor Today"'],['mag-trh', 'MAG-TRH', 'item.', '3x3 Magnet "Tree-Hugger"'],['mag-hug', 'MAG-HUG', 'item.', '3x3 Magnet "We will Hug again"'],['mag-wea', 'MAG-WEA', 'item.', '3x3 Magnet "Weave Hope"'],['mag-clv1', 'MAG-CLV', 'item.', '3x3 Magnet "You are Loved Cardinal"'],['x-foo', '', 'auxiliary-pages', '[LinkName]'],['b970', 'B970', 'item.', 'A Child is Born Bookmark'],['cc922s', 'CC922S', 'item.', 'A Christmas Longing Christmas Card Set - Currently SOLD OUT!'],['good-friend-bookmark-b917', 'B917', 'item.', 'A Good Friend Bookmark'],['a-light-in-the-darkness-christmas-card-set-cc907s', 'CC907S', 'item.', 'A Light in the Darkness Christmas Card Set'],['pc06', 'PC06', 'item.', 'A Mother\'s Prayer Print'],['pc06r', 'PC06R', 'item.', 'A Mother\'s Prayer Print with hand painted Lake Superior "Release" stone'],['cc925', 'CC925S', 'item.', 'A Star of Wonder Christmas Card Set'],['b1073', 'B1073', 'item.', 'Abide Bookmark'],['about-us', '', 'auxiliary-pages', 'About Us'],['abundance-bookmark-without-raffia-b03a', 'B03A', 'item.', 'Abundance Bookmark'],['banner-personalize-ornament', '', 'banner', 'Add a peronal touch to your keepsake ornament!'],['admin-xyzzy', '', 'item.', 'Admin'],['admin-editor', '', 'admin-page', 'Admin Editor'],['admin-banners', '', 'admin-page', 'All Banners'],['all-is-possible-bookmark-without-raffia-b507', 'B507', 'item.', 'All is Possible Bookmark'],['c154a', 'C154A', 'item.', 'All Nature Birthday Greeting Card, message inside'],['c154', 'C154', 'item.', 'All Nature Greeting Card, blank inside'],['c099', 'C099', 'item.', 'All Things Beautiful Greeting Card, blank inside'],['c099a', 'C099A', 'item.', 'All Things Beautiful Greeting Card, message inside'],['c099s', 'C099S', 'item.', 'All Things Beautiful Greeting Card, set of 6 blank notes'],['b1065', 'B1065', 'item.', 'All Will be Well Bookmark'],['always-heart-pewter-necklace-np002', 'NP002', 'item.', 'Always Heart Pewter Necklace'],['b989', 'B989', 'item.', 'Always in Our Hearts Bookmark'],['always-in-our-hearts-greeting-card-c032', 'C032', 'item.', 'Always in our Hearts Sympathy Card'],['c051', 'C051', 'item.', 'Angel Greeting Card, with message'],['b1072', 'B1072', 'item.', 'Angels Attend Bookmark'],['angels-bookmark-without-raffia-b924', 'B924', 'item.', 'Angels Bookmark'],['angels-greeting-card-assortment-c600s', 'C600S', 'item.', 'Angels Greeting Card Assortment'],['angels-protect-greeting-card-c602', 'C602', 'item.', 'Angels Protect Greeting Card'],['tri-afq', 'TRI-AFQ', 'item.', 'Ann Frank Quote Trivet'],['cards-occasions-anniversary', '', 'item.', 'Anniversary'],['anniversary-greeting-card-c418a', 'C418A', 'item.', 'Anniversary Greeting Card'],['temp-three', 'temp-three', 'item.', 'Another Temp Item'],['cards-any', '', 'item.', 'Any Occasion'],['cards-appreciation', '', 'item.', 'Appreciation/Thank You'],['pc02r', 'PC02R', 'item.', 'Aqua Cancer Prayer Card with hand painted Lake Superior stone'],['favorites', '', 'item.', 'Artist\'s Favorites'],['gs-ast', 'GS-AST', 'item.', 'Assorted Gift Set, set of 10 assorted greeting cards'],['ta6g', 'TA6G', 'item.', 'Assorted Watercolor Gift Tags / Place Cards'],['ta6b', 'TA6B', 'item.', 'Assorted Watercolor Gift Tags / Place Cards'],['baby', '', 'item.', 'Baby and Baptism Gifts'],['c153', 'C153', 'item.', 'Baby Celebration Greeting Card'],['b967', 'B967', 'item.', 'Banner of Love Bookmark'],['cards-occasions-baptism', '', 'item.', 'Baptism'],['baptismal-greeting-card-c721', 'C721', 'item.', 'Baptismal Greeting Card'],['b935', 'B935', 'item.', 'Be Amazed Bookmark'],['b1003', 'B1003', 'item.', 'Be Bold in Faith Bookmark'],['b1052', 'B1052', 'item.', 'Be of Good Cheer Bookmark'],['b1079', 'B1079', 'item.', 'Be Rooted in God\'s Love Bookmark'],['be-rooted-in-love-greeting-card-c034', 'C034', 'item.', 'Be rooted in LOVE... Sympathy Greeting Card'],['be-still-and-know-blank-note-c628', 'C628', 'item.', 'Be Still And Know Blank Note'],['be-still-and-know-blank-note-set-c628s', 'C628S', 'item.', 'Be Still And Know Blank Note Set'],['tri-bes', 'TRI-BES', 'item.', 'Be Still and Know Trivet'],['b1021', 'B1021', 'item.', 'Be still Bookmark'],['be-still-trees-without-raffia-b509t', 'B509T', 'item.', 'Be Still Trees Bookmark'],['b514', 'B514', 'item.', 'Because Life Is So Busy Bookmark'],['b973', 'B973', 'item.', 'Begin Anew Bookmark'],['tri-beg', 'TRI-BEG', 'item.', 'Begin Anew Trivet'],['b1034', 'B1034', 'item.', 'Believe Bookmark'],['c161a', 'C161A', 'item.', 'Believe Confirmation Greeting Card, message inside'],['c161', 'C161', 'item.', 'Believe Greeting Card, blank inside'],['b1081', 'B1081', 'item.', 'Believe John 3:16-17 Bookmark'],['b988', 'B988', 'item.', 'Beloved Bookmark'],['b955', 'B955', 'item.', 'Better Place Bookmark'],['b1053', 'B1053', 'item.', 'Beyond the Manger Bookmark'],['bird-nerd', '', 'item.', 'Bird Nerd Designs'],['stk-nrd', 'STK-NRD', 'item.', 'Bird Nerd Sticker'],['b1001', 'B1001', 'item.', 'Bird of Peace Bookmark'],['bird-pewter-necklace-np007', 'NP007', 'item.', 'Bird Pewter Necklace '],['cards-occasions-baby', '', 'item.', 'Birth'],['cards-occasions-birthday', '', 'item.', 'Birthday'],['cards-birthday', '', 'item.', 'Birthday'],['b998', 'B998', 'item.', 'Birthday Candle Bookmark'],['cp-bir', 'CP-BIR', 'item.', 'Birthday Care Package'],['gs-bday', 'GS-BDY', 'item.', 'Birthday Gift Set, set of 10 assorted birthday greeting cards'],['c084', 'C084', 'item.', 'Birthday Wishes Greeting Card, message inside'],['c156', 'C156', 'item.', 'Birthdays are Gifts Greeting Card, message inside'],['cards-blank', '', 'item.', 'Blank Cards'],['notesets', '', 'item.', 'Blank Notes Sets'],['c065a', 'C065A', 'item.', 'Bless You! Appreciation Greeting Card, message inside'],['c065', 'C065', 'item.', 'Bless You! Greeting Card, blank inside'],['c065s', 'C065S', 'item.', 'Bless You! Greeting Card, set of 6 blank notes'],['tri-ble', 'TRI-BLE', 'item.', 'Blessed Friends Trivet'],['blessing-greeting-card-c029a', 'C029A', 'item.', 'Blessing All Occasion Greeting Card'],['blessing-blank-note-c029', 'C029', 'item.', 'Blessing Blank Note'],['blessing-blank-note-set-c029s', 'C029S', 'item.', 'Blessing Blank Note Set'],['b1067', 'B1067', 'item.', 'Blessing Bookmark'],['c137a', 'C137A', 'item.', 'Blessing Butterfly Birthday Greeting Card, message inside'],['c137', 'C137', 'item.', 'Blessing Butterfly Greeting Card, blank inside'],['c151', 'C151', 'item.', 'Blessings Thank You Greeting Card, blank inside'],['c151a', 'C151A', 'item.', 'Blessings Thank You, message inside'],['valentines-bookmarks', '', 'item.', 'Bookmarks'],['nature-bookmarks', '', 'item.', 'Bookmarks'],['grief-bookmarks', '', 'item.', 'Bookmarks'],['bookmarks', '', 'item.', 'Bookmarks'],['bookmarks-with-tea', '', 'item.', 'Bookmarks with Tea'],['breathe-bookmark-without-raffia-b03b', 'B03B', 'item.', 'Breathe Bookmark'],['b993', 'B993', 'item.', 'Breathe Deeply Bookmark'],['bright-thank-you-greeting-card-c048a', 'C048A', 'item.', 'Bright Thank You Appreciation Greeting Card'],['bright-thank-you-blank-note-c048', 'C048', 'item.', 'Bright Thank You Blank Note'],['bright-thank-you-blank-note-set-c048s', 'C048S', 'item.', 'Bright Thank You Blank Note Set'],['c092', 'C092', 'item.', 'Brighter Place Greeting Card, with message'],['c125', 'C125', 'item.', 'Broken Heart Sympathy Greeting Card, message inside'],['c090', 'C090', 'item.', 'Burst of Thanks Greeting Card, blank inside'],['c090s', 'C090S', 'item.', 'Burst of Thanks Greeting Card, set of 6 blank notes'],['c090a', 'C090A', 'item.', 'Burst of Thanks Greeting Card, with message'],['butterfly-thanks-blank-note-c934', 'C934', 'item.', 'Butterfly Thanks Blank Note'],['butterfly-thanks-blank-note-set-c934s', 'C934S', 'item.', 'Butterfly Thanks Blank Note Set'],['butterfly-thanks-greeting-card-c934a', 'C934A', 'item.', 'Butterfly Thanks Greeting Card'],['b966', 'B966', 'item.', 'By My Spirit Bookmark'],['cancer', '', 'item.', 'Cancer'],['cardinal-blank-note-c422', 'C422', 'item.', 'Cardinal Blank Note'],['c143', 'C143', 'item.', 'Cardinal Blessing Greeting Card, blank inside'],['c143a', 'C143A', 'item.', 'Cardinal Blessing Greeting Card, message inside'],['cc924s', 'CC924S', 'item.', 'Cardinal Christmas Card Set'],['b977', 'B977', 'item.', 'Cardinal Day Bookmark'],['c159', 'C159', 'item.', 'Cardinal Day Greeting Card, message inside'],['cardinal-pair-blank-note-c418', 'C418', 'item.', 'Cardinal Pair Blank Note'],['cardinal-pair-blank-note-set-c418s', 'C418S', 'item.', 'Cardinal Pair, set of 6 blank notes'],['care-packages', '', 'item.', 'Care Packages'],['carefree-moments-greeting-card-c026a', 'C026A', 'item.', 'Carefree Moments Birthday Greeting Card'],['carefree-moments-blank-note-c026', 'C026', 'item.', 'Carefree Moments Blank Note'],['carefree-moments-blank-note-set-c026s', 'C026S', 'item.', 'Carefree Moments, set of 6 blank notes'],['c075', 'C075', 'item.', 'Carried This Day Comfort Greeting Card'],['celebrate-bookmark-without-raffia-b03c', 'B03C', 'item.', 'Celebrate Bookmark'],['b943', 'B943', 'item.', 'Celebrate Life Bookmark'],['celebrate-life-bookmark-without-raffia-b508', 'B508', 'item.', 'Celebrate Life Bookmark'],['np10', 'NP10', 'item.', 'Celebrate Life Pewter Necklace'],['celebrate-the-seasons-journal-bk2003', 'BK2003', 'item.', 'Celebrate the Seasons Journal'],['c074', 'C074', 'item.', 'Celebrating Love Anniversary Greeting Card'],['c150a', 'C150A', 'item.', 'Celebrating with You Confetti Anniversary Card, message inside'],['c150', 'C150', 'item.', 'Celebrating with You Confetti Greeting Card, message inside'],['c064', 'C064', 'item.', 'Celebrating With You Congratulations Greeting Card, message inside'],['child-of-god-blank-note-c023', 'C023', 'item.', 'Child of God Baby Greeting Card'],['b985', 'B985', 'item.', 'Child of God Bookmark'],['c082', 'C082', 'item.', 'Child of God Greeting Card, with message'],['c145', 'C145', 'item.', 'Children are a Gift Greeting Card, message inside'],['tri-chh', 'TRI-CHH', 'item.', 'Choose Hope Trivet'],['b1057', 'B1057', 'item.', 'Choose Life Bookmark'],['b511', 'B511', 'item.', 'Christ Before Us Bookmark'],['b1037', 'B1037', 'item.', 'Christ\'s Love Bookmark'],['cards-occasions-ceremonies', '', 'item.', 'Christian Ceremonies'],['christmas', '', 'item.', 'Christmas'],['christmas-bookmarks', '', 'item.', 'Christmas Bookmarks'],['gs-cc', 'GS-CHR', 'item.', 'Christmas Card Gift Set, set of 10 assorted Christmas cards'],['new-christmas', '', 'item.', 'Christmas Cards'],['christmas-cards', '', 'item.', 'Christmas Cards'],['b1084', 'B1084', 'item.', 'Christmas Hope Bookmark'],['christmas-joy-bookmark-without-raffia-b906', 'B906', 'item.', 'Christmas Joy Bookmark'],['b1085', 'B1085', 'item.', 'Christmas Love Bookmark'],['christmas-magnets', '', 'item.', 'Christmas Magnets'],['christmas-ornaments', '', 'item.', 'Christmas Ornaments'],['christmas-stationery', '', 'item.', 'Christmas Stationery'],['coleus-leaf-without-raffia-b509l', 'B509L', 'item.', 'Coleus Leaf Bookmark'],['coleus-plant-blank-note-c062', 'C062', 'item.', 'Coleus Plant Greeting Card, Blank Inside'],['coleus-plant-blank-note-set-c062s', 'C062S', 'item.', 'Coleus Plant Greeting Card, set of 6 blank notes'],['c069', 'C069', 'item.', 'Colorful Birthday Greeting Card'],['columbine-blank-note-c519', 'C519', 'item.', 'Columbine Blank Note'],['columbine-blank-note-set-c519s', 'C519S', 'item.', 'Columbine Blank Note Set'],['columbine-greeting-card-c519a', 'C519A', 'item.', 'Columbine Remembrance Greeting Card'],['come-and-rest-journal-bk2000', 'BK2000', 'item.', 'Come & Rest Journal'],['c128', 'C128', 'item.', 'Come & Rest Tree Greeting Card, blank inside'],['c128a', 'C128A', 'item.', 'Come & Rest Tree Greeting Card, message inside'],['tri-com', 'TRI-COM', 'item.', 'Come and Rest Trivet'],['b1011', 'B1011', 'item.', 'Come to Me Bookmark'],['cards-comfort', '', 'item.', 'Comfort'],['gs-com', 'GS-COM', 'item.', 'Comfort and Care Gift Set, set of 10 assorted uplifting greeting cards'],['coneflowers-greeting-card-c052', 'C052', 'item.', 'Coneflowers Birthday Greeting Card'],['cards-occasions-confirmation', '', 'item.', 'Confirmation'],['confirmation-greeting-card-c720', 'C720', 'item.', 'Confirmation Greeting Card'],['b1043', 'B1043', 'item.', 'Congrats Bookmark'],['c144', 'C144', 'item.', 'Congrats Greeting Card, blank inside'],['c144a', 'C144A', 'item.', 'Congrats Greeting Card, message inside'],['c098', 'C098', 'item.', 'Congrats To You Greeting Card, message inside'],['cards-congratulations', '', 'item.', 'Congratulations'],['consider-the-lilies-greeting-card-c022a', 'C022A', 'item.', 'Consider the Lilies Encouragement Greeting Card'],['consider-the-lilies-blank-note-c022', 'C022', 'item.', 'Consider the Lilies Greeting Card, blank inside'],['consider-the-lilies-blank-note-set-c022s', 'C022S', 'item.', 'Consider the Lilies Greeting Card, set of 6 blank notes'],['contact', '', 'auxiliary-pages', 'Contact Us'],['c095', 'C095', 'item.', 'Contemporary Cross Greeting Card, with message'],['b975', 'B975', 'item.', 'Courage Bookmark'],['b1045', 'B1045', 'item.', 'Courage Bookmark'],['banner-17th-anniversary', '', 'banner', 'Credo\'s 17th Anniversary Sale!'],['testimonials', '', 'auxiliary-pages', 'Customer Reviews'],['c120a', 'C120A', 'item.', 'Daffodil Anniversary Greeting Card'],['c120', 'C120', 'item.', 'Daffodil Greeting Card, blank inside'],['daisy-thank-you-blank-note-c002', 'C002', 'item.', 'Daisy Thank You Blank Note'],['daisy-thank-you-blank-note-set-c002s', 'C002S', 'item.', 'Daisy Thank You Blank Note Set'],['daisy-greeting-card-c002a', 'C002A', 'item.', 'Daisy Thank You Card'],['dance-bookmark-without-raffia-b03d', 'B03D', 'item.', 'Dance Bookmark'],['dandelions-blank-note-c044', 'C044', 'item.', 'Dandelions Blank Note'],['dandelions-blank-note-set-c044s', 'C044S', 'item.', 'Dandelions Blank Note Set'],['dandelions-greeting-card-c044a', 'C044A', 'item.', 'Dandelions Comfort Greeting Card'],['c124', 'C124', 'item.', 'Dear Friend Birthday Greeting Card, message inside'],['link-deirdreandcompany', '', 'link.', 'Deirdre & Company'],['c080', 'C080', 'item.', 'Delightful Birthday Greeting Card, with message'],['tri-deo', 'TRI-DEO', 'item.', 'Deo Gratias Trivet'],['c139', 'C139', 'item.', 'Difficult Times Tree Greeting Card, message inside'],['c089', 'C089', 'item.', 'Dragonfly Greeting Card, blank inside'],['c089s', 'C089S', 'item.', 'Dragonfly Greeting Card, set of 6 blank notes'],['c089a', 'C089A', 'item.', 'Dragonfly Greeting Card, with message'],['b1031', 'B1031', 'item.', 'Dragonfly Thinking of You Bookmark'],['each-grandchild-greeting-card-c043', 'C043', 'item.', 'Each Grandchild Congratulations Greeting Card'],['c093', 'C093', 'item.', 'Eagles Wings Greeting Card, blank inside'],['c093s', 'C093S', 'item.', 'Eagles Wings Greeting Card, set of 6 blank notes'],['c093a', 'C093A', 'item.', 'Eagles Wings Greeting Card, with message'],['cards-occasions-easter', '', 'item.', 'Easter'],['b1083', 'B1083', 'item.', 'Emmanuel Bookmark'],['c117a', 'C117A', 'item.', 'Encircled By Love Greeting Card'],['c117', 'C117', 'item.', 'Encircled By Love Greeting Card, blank inside'],['b1038', 'B1038', 'item.', 'Encourage One Another Bookmark'],['bookmarks-encouragement', '', 'item.', 'Encouragement'],['cards-encouragement', '', 'item.', 'Encouragement'],['tri-enj', 'TRI-ENJ', 'item.', 'Enjoy Life\'s Blessings Trivet'],['b958', 'B958', 'item.', 'Enjoy Your Day Bookmark'],['c121a', 'C121A', 'item.', 'Enjoy your Day Wreath Birthday Greeting Card'],['c121', 'C121', 'item.', 'Enjoy your Day Wreath Greeting Card, blank inside'],['c121s', 'C121S', 'item.', 'Enjoy your Day Wreath Greeting Card, set of 6 blank notes'],['b512', 'B512', 'item.', 'Every Time I Think of You Bookmark'],['excel-bookmark-without-raffia-b03x', 'B03X', 'item.', 'Excel Bookmark'],['explore-bookmark-without-raffia-b03e', 'B03E', 'item.', 'Explore Bookmark'],['c111a', 'C111A', 'item.', 'Extraordinary Day Birthday Card, with message'],['c111', 'C111', 'item.', 'Extraordinary Day Greeting Card, blank inside'],['c079', 'C079', 'item.', 'Fabulous Birthday Greeting Card, with message'],['link-faire', '', 'link.', 'Faire (Wholesale Customers)'],['faith-bookmark-without-raffia-b03f', 'B03F', 'item.', 'Faith Bookmark'],['faiths-pathway-greeting-card-c041', 'C041', 'item.', 'Faith\'s Pathway Confirmation Greeting Card'],['b994', 'B994', 'item.', 'Fall Afresh Prayer Bookmark'],['falling-leaf-pewter-necklace-np004', 'NP004', 'item.', 'Falling Leaf Pewter Necklace'],['bookmarks-familyfriends', '', 'item.', 'Family & Friends'],['ornaments-friends', '', 'item.', 'Family and Friends'],['family-blank-note-c045', 'C045', 'item.', 'Family Blank Note'],['family-blank-note-set-c045s', 'C045S', 'item.', 'Family Blank Note Set'],['family-greeting-card-c045a', 'C045A', 'item.', 'Family Encouragement Greeting Card'],['tri-fam', 'TRI-FAM', 'item.', 'Family Prayer Trivet'],['b1059', 'B1059', 'item.', 'Family Priceless Bookmark'],['b1063', 'B1063', 'item.', 'Fathers Bookmark'],['fern-pewter-necklace-np008', 'NP008', 'item.', 'Fern Pewter Necklace'],['b1016', 'B1016', 'item.', 'Fingerprints Bookmark'],['first-communion-bookmark-without-raffia-b502', 'B502', 'item.', 'First Communion Bookmark'],['follow-me-greeting-card-c039', 'C039', 'item.', 'Follow Me Confirmation Greeting Card'],['forever-friends-rock-necklace-pefn', 'PEF-N', 'item.', 'Forever Friends Rock Necklace'],['banner-free-shipping', '', 'banner', 'Free shipping on orders of $25 or more!'],['banner-grand-opening', '', 'banner', 'Free Shipping on purchases of $25 or more!'],['b1044', 'B1044', 'item.', 'FREE! Celebrate 30th Bookmark'],['tri-fri', 'TRI-FRI', 'item.', 'Friends Trivet'],['friends-greeting-card-c016a', 'C016A', 'item.', 'Friends Birthday Greeting Card'],['friends-blank-note-c016', 'C016', 'item.', 'Friends Blank Note'],['friends-bookmark-without-raffia-b016', 'B016', 'item.', 'Friends Bookmark'],['b1066', 'B1066', 'item.', 'Friends for Life Bookmark'],['b952', 'B952', 'item.', 'Friends for Life Bookmark'],['friends-blank-note-set-c016s', 'C016S', 'item.', 'Friends Greeting Card, set of 6 blank notes'],['b1060', 'B1060', 'item.', 'Friends Irreplaceable Bookmark'],['friends-listen-laugh-bookmark-without-raffia-b505', 'B505', 'item.', 'Friends Listen, Laugh Bookmark'],['friends-love-anyway-bookmark-without-raffia-b506', 'B506', 'item.', 'Friends Love Anyway Bookmark'],['b941', 'B941', 'item.', 'Friends See Beauty Bookmark'],['cards-friendship', '', 'item.', 'Friendship'],['gs-fri', 'GS-FRI', 'item.', 'Friendship Gift Set, set of 10 assorted cards for friends'],['c132', 'C132', 'item.', 'Friendship Greeting Card, message inside'],['b1032', 'B1032', 'item.', 'Friendship is Priceless Bookmark'],['b1022', 'B1022', 'item.', 'Fruits of the Spirit Bookmark'],['b1078', 'B1078', 'item.', 'Gardens Replenish Bookmark'],['link-eatyourpeas', '', 'link.', 'Gently Spoken'],['cards-giftsets', '', 'item.', 'Gift Sets for Giving'],['gift-tag-assortment-gift-tag-cc212s', 'CC212S', 'item.', 'Gift Tag Assortment Gift Tag'],['nature', '', 'item.', 'Gifts for Nature Lovers'],['c072a', 'C072A', 'item.', 'Ginkgo Leaf Comfort Greeting Card, with message'],['c072', 'C072', 'item.', 'Ginkgo Leaf Greeting Card, blank inside'],['c072s', 'C072S', 'item.', 'Ginko Leaf Greeting Card, set of 6 blank notes'],['give-praise-rock-necklace-penn', 'PEN-N', 'item.', 'Give Praise Rock Necklace'],['give-thanks-bookmark-without-raffia-b124', 'B124', 'item.', 'Give Thanks Bookmark'],['gs-hope', 'GS-HOPE', 'item.', 'Glimmer of Hope Set, set of 6 assorted encouragement greeting cards'],['b1036', 'B1036', 'item.', 'Go Tell Bookmark'],['god-comes-near-christmas-card-set-cc911s', 'CC911S', 'item.', 'God Comes Near Christmas Card Set'],['god-goes-before-you-blank-note-c021', 'C021', 'item.', 'God Goes Before You Blank Note'],['god-goes-before-you-greeting-card-c021a', 'C021A', 'item.', 'God Goes Before You Greeting Card'],['b1004', 'B1004', 'item.', 'God is Light Bookmark'],['b948', 'B948', 'item.', 'God is our Rock Bookmark'],['cc923s', 'CC923S', 'item.', 'God With Us Christmas Card Set - Coming SOON!'],['gods-embrace-greeting-card-c055', 'C055', 'item.', 'God\'s Embrace Sympathy Greeting Card'],['bnd-gra', 'BND-GRA', 'item.', 'God\'s Grace Wristband'],['cards-occasions-goodbye', '', 'item.', 'Goodbye'],['grace-bookmark-without-raffia-b03g', 'B03G', 'item.', 'Grace Bookmark'],['b951', 'B951', 'item.', 'Grace Sufficient Bookmark'],['b963', 'B963', 'item.', 'Gracious Favor Bookmark'],['cards-occasions-graduation', '', 'item.', 'Graduation'],['c071', 'C071', 'item.', 'Grandchild Joy Greeting Card'],['b1046', 'B1046', 'item.', 'Grandma Bookmark'],['grandparent-greeting-card-c024', 'C024', 'item.', 'Grandparent Congratulations Greeting Card'],['grant-us-wisdom-bookmark-b919', 'B919', 'item.', 'Grant us Wisdom Bookmark'],['c113', 'C113', 'item.', 'Grateful for You Greeting Card, blank inside'],['c113a', 'C113A', 'item.', 'Grateful for You Greeting Card, with message'],['b1080', 'B1080', 'item.', 'Gratitude Bookmark'],['b959', 'B959', 'item.', 'Gratitude Bookmark'],['b1041', 'B1041', 'item.', 'Gratitude Uplifts Bookmark'],['great-news-greeting-card-c035', 'C035', 'item.', 'Great News! Congratulations Greeting Card'],['great-rejoicing-greeting-card-c057', 'C057', 'item.', 'Great Rejoicing Grandchild Birthday Greeting Card'],['pc03r', 'PC03R', 'item.', 'Green Cancer Caregiver\'s Prayer Card with hand painted Lake Superior stone'],['valentines-cards', '', 'item.', 'Greeting Cards'],['grief-cards', '', 'item.', 'Greeting Cards'],['cards', '', 'item.', 'Greeting Cards'],['nature-cards', '', 'item.', 'Greeting Cards'],['grief', '', 'item.', 'Grief and Healing'],['c136', 'C136', 'item.', 'Grow in Love Greeting Card, blank inside'],['tri-gro', 'TRI-GRO', 'item.', 'Grow in Love Trivet'],['c136a', 'C136A', 'item.', 'Grow in Love Wedding Greeting Card, message inside'],['b515', 'B515', 'item.', 'Happy Birthday Bookmark'],['b1075', 'B1075', 'item.', 'Happy Birthday Gift Bookmark'],['c096', 'C096', 'item.', 'Happy Day Greeting Card, with message'],['happy-thoughts-greeting-card-c047', 'C047', 'item.', 'Happy Thoughts Birthday Greeting Card'],['c085', 'C085', 'item.', 'Healing Touch Greeting Card, message inside'],['heart-and-pine-stationery-pad-p214', 'P214', 'item.', 'Heart & Pine Stationery Pad'],['hearts-grieve-greeting-card-c054', 'C054', 'item.', 'Hearts Grieve Sympathy Greeting Card'],['heaven-sent-greeting-card-c038', 'C038', 'item.', 'Heaven Sent Baby Greeting Card'],['holy-baptism-greeting-card-c042', 'C042', 'item.', 'Holy Baptism Greeting Card'],['cc921s', 'CC921S', 'item.', 'Holy Child Christmas Card Set'],['cc908s', 'CC908S', 'item.', 'Holy Night Christmas Greeting Card Set'],['cc908', 'CC908', 'item.', 'Holy Night Christmas Greeting Card, message inside'],['cc932s', 'CC932S', 'item.', 'Hope Beyond the Manger Christmas Card Set'],['hope-blank-note-c932', 'C932', 'item.', 'Hope Blank Note'],['hope-blank-note-set-c932s', 'C932S', 'item.', 'Hope Blank Note Set'],['hope-bookmark-without-raffia-b03h', 'B03H', 'item.', 'Hope Bookmark'],['b925', 'B925', 'item.', 'Hope Bookmark'],['c105a', 'C105A', 'item.', 'Hope Butterfly Greeting Card'],['c105', 'C105', 'item.', 'Hope Butterfly Greeting Card, blank inside'],['cc918s', 'CC918S', 'item.', 'Hope for the World Christmas Card Set - Coming SOON!'],['c147', 'C147', 'item.', 'Hope Greeting Card'],['stk-hjs', 'STK-HJS', 'item.', 'Hope in Jesus Sticker'],['b1023', 'B1023', 'item.', 'Hope Lives Bookmark'],['b1050', 'B1050', 'item.', 'Hope on Grace Bookmark'],['hope-rock-necklace-pern', 'PER-N', 'item.', 'Hope Rock Necklace'],['c146', 'C146', 'item.', 'Hope Tree Greeting Card, blank inside'],['c146a', 'C146A', 'item.', 'Hope Tree Sympathy Greeting Card, message inside'],['humble-birth-christmas-card-set-cc902s', 'CC902S', 'item.', 'Humble Birth Christmas Card Set'],['c131a', 'C131A', 'item.', 'Hummingbird Birthday Greeting Card'],['hummingbird-blank-note-c017', 'C017', 'item.', 'Hummingbird Blank Note'],['hummingbird-blank-note-set-c017s', 'C017S', 'item.', 'Hummingbird Blank Note Set'],['c131', 'C131', 'item.', 'Hummingbird Greeting Card, blank inside'],['i-can-do-all-things-bookmark-without-raffia-b501', 'B501', 'item.', 'I Can Do All Things Bookmark'],['b981', 'B981', 'item.', 'If God is for us Bookmark'],['imagine-blank-note-c015', 'C015', 'item.', 'Imagine Blank Note'],['imagine-blank-note-set-c015s', 'C015S', 'item.', 'Imagine Blank Note Set'],['b1077', 'B1077', 'item.', 'Imagine Bookmark'],['c109', 'C109', 'item.', 'Imagine Greeting Card, blank inside'],['c109s', 'C109S', 'item.', 'Imagine Greeting Card, set of 6 blank notes'],['c109a', 'C109A', 'item.', 'Imagine Greeting Card, with message'],['b1049', 'B1049', 'item.', 'In God\'s Hands Bookmark'],['c302', 'C302', 'item.', 'In My Prayers Greeting Card, with message'],['b954', 'B954', 'item.', 'In the Beginning Bookmark'],['c112', 'C112', 'item.', 'In the Midst of Your Pain Sympathy Card, with message'],['inspire-bookmark-without-raffia-b03i', 'B03I', 'item.', 'Inspire Bookmark'],['b933', 'B933', 'item.', 'Isaiah 41:10 Bookmark'],['b961', 'B961', 'item.', 'Isaiah 43:1 Bookmark'],['c066', 'C066', 'item.', 'Isaiah 43:1 Confirmation Greeting Card, message inside'],['admin-sales', '', 'admin-page', 'Items on Sale'],['b936', 'B936', 'item.', 'James 4:8 Draw Near Bookmark'],['b931', 'B931', 'item.', 'Jeremiah 17:7 Hope Bookmark'],['b949', 'B949', 'item.', 'Jeremiah 29:11 Bookmark'],['jewelry', '', 'item.', 'Jewelry'],['nature-jewelry', '', 'item.', 'Jewelry'],['new-jewelry', '', 'item.', 'Jewelry'],['valentines-jewelry', '', 'item.', 'Jewelry'],['jottings-from-the-artist', '', 'auxiliary-pages', 'Jottings from the Artist'],['books', '', 'item.', 'Journals'],['c129', 'C129', 'item.', 'Journey of Faith Greeting Card, message inside'],['b1024', 'B1024', 'item.', 'Journey on in Faith Bookmark'],['joy-bookmark-without-raffia-b03j', 'B03J', 'item.', 'Joy Bookmark'],['b926', 'B926', 'item.', 'Joy Bookmark'],['b10101', 'B1010', 'item.', 'Joy of Lord Bookmark'],['b1002', 'B1002', 'item.', 'Joy to You Christmas Bookmark'],['joyous-christmas-christmas-card-cc915s', 'CC915S', 'item.', 'Joyous Christmas Christmas Card'],['c152', 'C152', 'item.', 'Joyous Day Birthday Greeting Card, message inside'],['b969', 'B969', 'item.', 'Just Be YOU Bookmark'],['b1012', 'B1012', 'item.', 'Just be YOU Bookmark'],['cp-jbc', 'CP-JBC', 'item.', 'Just Because Care Package'],['b983', 'B983', 'item.', 'Keep Christmas Simple Bookmark'],['keep-christmas-simple-christmas-card-set-cc726s', 'CC726S', 'item.', 'Keep Christmas Simple Christmas Card Set'],['tri-chr', 'TRI-CHR', 'item.', 'Keep Christmas Simple Trivet'],['kindness-bookmark-without-raffia-b03k', 'B03K', 'item.', 'Kindness Bookmark'],['b10082', 'B1008', 'item.', 'Kindness Happens Bookmark'],['tri-kin', 'TRI-KIN', 'item.', 'Kindness Matters Trivet'],['b1054', 'B1054', 'item.', 'Lamp and Light Bookmark'],['c149', 'C149', 'item.', 'Leaf Thank You Greeting Card, blank inside'],['c149a', 'C149A', 'item.', 'Leaf Thank you Greeting Card, message inside'],['pel-n', 'pel-n', 'item.', 'Let Go Rock Necklace'],['b1069', 'B1069', 'item.', 'Let Heaven & Nature Sing Bookmark'],['let-heaven-and-nature-sing-christmas-card-set-cc909s', 'CC909S', 'item.', 'Let Heaven & Nature Sing Christmas Card Set'],['cc926', 'CC926S', 'item.', 'Let Joy Fill The Air Christmas Card Set'],['cc927', 'CC927S', 'item.', 'Let There Be Peace Christmas Card Set'],['let-your-light-shine-rock-necklace-pesn', 'PES-N', 'item.', 'Let your Light Shine Rock Necklace'],['c157', 'C157', 'item.', 'Life Together Wedding/Anniversary Greeting Card, message inside'],['lifting-a-prayer-bookmark-without-raffia-b503', 'B503', 'item.', 'Lifting a Prayer Bookmark'],['lifting-a-prayer-greeting-card-c826', 'C826', 'item.', 'Lifting A Prayer Comfort Greeting Card'],['b1082', 'B1082', 'item.', 'Light a Candle Bookmark'],['cc929', 'CC929S', 'item.', 'Light From Heaven Christmas Card Set'],['cc930', 'CC930S', 'item.', 'Light in the Darkness Christmas Card Set'],['c103a', 'C103A', 'item.', 'Lilacs Greeting Card'],['c103', 'C103', 'item.', 'Lilacs Greeting Card, blank inside'],['c103s', 'C103S', 'item.', 'Lilacs Greeting Card, set of 6 blank notes'],['limited-edition', '', 'item.', 'Limited Edition'],['tum-bes', 'TUM-BES', 'item.', 'LIMITED EDITION! Be Still and Know Tumbler'],['links', '', 'item.', 'Links'],['b1025', 'B1025', 'item.', 'Listen Bookmark'],['listen-christmas-card-cc916s', 'CC916S', 'item.', 'Listen Christmas Card Set'],['cc917s', 'CC917S', 'item.', 'Live Christmas! Christmas Card Set'],['tri-fly', 'TRI-FLY', 'item.', 'Live Freely in Grace Trivet'],['b1076', 'B1076', 'item.', 'Live in Awe Bookmark'],['tri-gra', 'TRI-GRA', 'item.', 'Live in Gratitude Trivet'],['live-in-joy-bookmark-without-raffia-b100', 'B100', 'item.', 'Live in Joy Bookmark'],['live-in-joy-christmas-card-set-cc906s', 'CC906S', 'item.', 'Live In Joy Christmas Card Set'],['look-at-the-birds-bookmark-without-raffia-b921', 'B921', 'item.', 'Look at the Birds Bookmark'],['b1039', 'B1039', 'item.', 'Look Up Bookmark'],['b509', 'B509', 'item.', 'Lord Determines our Steps Bookmark'],['love-bookmark-without-raffia-b03l', 'B03L', 'item.', 'Love Bookmark'],['b986', 'B986', 'item.', 'LOVE Bookmark'],['b950', 'B950', 'item.', 'Love God Bookmark'],['tri-lik', 'TRI-LIK', 'item.', 'Love is Kind Trivet'],['bookmarks-letters', '', 'item.', 'Love of Letters'],['cards-letters', '', 'item.', 'Love of Letters'],['gs-nat', 'GS-NAT', 'item.', 'Love of Nature Gift Set, set of 10 blank notes'],['b1026', 'B1026', 'item.', 'Love one Another Bookmark'],['b1040', 'B1040', 'item.', 'Love You Bookmark'],['b1015', 'B1015', 'item.', 'Love you More Bookmark'],['b927', 'B927', 'item.', 'Loved Bookmark'],['loved-by-god-rock-necklace-pehn', 'PEH-N', 'item.', 'Loved by God Rock Necklace'],['b1086', 'B1086', 'item.', 'Loved John 3:16 Bookmark'],['b942', 'B942', 'item.', 'Luke 1:37 Miracles Bookmark'],['magnets', '', 'item.', 'Magnets'],['c070', 'C070', 'item.', 'Magnolia Birthday Greeting Card'],['magnolia-greeting-card-c050', 'C050', 'item.', 'Magnolia Comfort Greeting Card'],['b1017', 'B1017', 'item.', 'Make a Difference Bookmark'],['c086', 'C086', 'item.', 'Many Thanks Greeting Card, blank inside'],['c086a', 'C086A', 'item.', 'Many Thanks Greeting Card, message inside'],['c086s', 'C086S', 'item.', 'Many Thanks Greeting Card, set of 6 blank notes'],['marvel-bookmark-without-raffia-b03m', 'B03M', 'item.', 'Marvel Bookmark'],['bookmarks-mattersoffaith', '', 'item.', 'Matters of Faith'],['c110', 'C110', 'item.', 'May God\'s Light Shine Greeting Card, message inside'],['b1055', 'B1055', 'item.', 'Mercies are New Bookmark'],['micha-68-bookmark-b918', 'B918', 'item.', 'Micah 6:8 Bookmark'],['cc920s', 'CC920S', 'item.', 'Midnight Clear Christmas Card Set'],['cc920', 'CC920', 'item.', 'Midnight Clear Christmas Greeting Card, with message'],['mint', 'MINT', 'item.', 'Mint Tin'],['b1009', 'B1009', 'item.', 'Miracles Happen Bookmark'],['b1027', 'B1027', 'item.', 'Miraculous Bookmark'],['b1028', 'B1028', 'item.', 'Missing you Tulip Bookmark'],['c135', 'C135', 'item.', 'Missing You Tulip Greeting Card, message inside'],['cp-mom', 'CP-MOM', 'item.', 'Mom Care Package'],['b1070', 'B1070', 'item.', 'Moon\'s Peace Bookmark'],['b930', 'B930', 'item.', 'Morning Bookmark'],['b972', 'B972', 'item.', 'Morning Rise Bookmark'],['cc919', 'CC919', 'item.', 'Most Beautiful Christmas Card'],['cc919s', 'CC919S', 'item.', 'Most Beautiful Christmas Card Set'],['c118a', 'C118A', 'item.', 'Most Precious Gifts Aren\'t Things Greeting Card'],['c118', 'C118', 'item.', 'Most Precious Gifts Aren\'t Things Greeting Card, blank inside'],['b991', 'B991', 'item.', 'Most Precious Gifts Bookmark'],['cards-occasions-mother', '', 'item.', 'Mother\'s Day'],['b1062', 'B1062', 'item.', 'Mothers Bookmark'],['cc934s', 'CC934S', 'item.', 'Music of the Season Christmas Card Set'],['c067a', 'C067A', 'item.', 'Natural Thank You Appreciation Greeting Card with message'],['c067', 'C067', 'item.', 'Natural Thank You Greeting Card, blank inside'],['c-067s', 'C067S', 'item.', 'Natural Thank You Greeting Card, set of 6 blank notes'],['bookmarks-nature', '', 'item.', 'Nature'],['natures-love-song-bookmark-without-raffia-b922', 'B922', 'item.', 'Nature\'s Love Song Bookmark'],['natures-weavings-blank-note-c314', 'C314', 'item.', 'Nature\'s Weavings Blank Note'],['natures-weavings-blank-note-set-c314s', 'C314S', 'item.', 'Nature\'s Weavings Blank Note Set'],['natures-weavings-greeting-card-c314a', 'C314A', 'item.', 'Nature\'s Weavings Encouragement Greeting Card'],['link-neo-genesis-designs', '', 'link.', 'Neo Genesis Designs'],['b965', 'B965', 'item.', 'Never Leave You Bookmark'],['new-bookmarks', '', 'item.', 'New Bookmarks'],['new-christmascards', '', 'item.', 'New Christmas'],['new', '', 'item.', 'New Designs '],['new-cards', '', 'item.', 'New Greeting Cards'],['new-magnets', '', 'item.', 'New Magnets'],['new-trivet', '', 'item.', 'New Trivets'],['pc09r', 'PC09-R', 'item.', 'NEW! \'A Daily Prayer\' Prayer Card'],['pc10r', 'PC10-R', 'item.', 'NEW! \'Family Prayer\' Prayer Card with hand painted Lake Superior stone'],['cc935', 'CC935S', 'item.', 'NEW! Christmas Bells Christmas Card Set'],['cp-stf', 'CP-STA', 'item.', 'NEW! Favorite Student Care Package A'],['cp-stm', 'CP-STB', 'item.', 'NEW! Favorite Student Care Package B'],['cc936s', 'CC936S', 'item.', 'NEW! Snow on Snow Christmas Card Set '],['stickers', '', 'item.', 'NEW! Vinyl Stickers'],['c091', 'C091', 'item.', 'No One Like You Greeting Card, with message'],['c122a', 'C122A', 'item.', 'Northern Lights Blessing Greeting Card'],['c122', 'C122', 'item.', 'Northern Lights Blessing Greeting Card, blank inside'],['c122s', 'C122S', 'item.', 'Northern Lights Blessing Greeting Card, set of 6 blank notes'],['nourish-bookmark-without-raffia-b03n', 'B03N', 'item.', 'Nourish Bookmark'],['b937', 'B937', 'item.', 'Numbers 6:24 Ginkgo Leaf Bookmark'],['o-blessed-day-greeting-card-c040', 'C040', 'item.', 'O Blessed Day Wedding Greeting Card'],['oak-tree-greeting-card-c061', 'C061', 'item.', 'Oak Tree Birthday Greeting Card'],['open-bookmark-without-raffia-b03o', 'B03O', 'item.', 'Open Bookmark'],['info', '', 'info.', 'Ordering and Shipping'],['cards-occasions-ordination', '', 'item.', 'Ordination'],['new-ornaments', '', 'item.', 'Ornaments'],['ornaments', '', 'item.', 'Ornaments'],['404', '', 'auxiliary-pages', 'Page Not Found'],['partner-program', '', 'auxiliary-pages', 'Partner Program'],['b992', 'B992', 'item.', 'Paths Crossed Bookmark'],['pause-and-ponder-journal-bk2002', 'BK2002', 'item.', 'Pause & Ponder Journal'],['b1051', 'B1051', 'item.', 'Pause Bookmark'],['b971', 'B971', 'item.', 'Peace & Good Tidings Bookmark'],['peace-bookmark-without-raffia-b03p', 'B03P', 'item.', 'Peace Bookmark'],['peace-bookmark-without-raffia-b911', 'B911', 'item.', 'Peace Bookmark'],['peace-like-a-river-greeting-card-c033', 'C033', 'item.', 'Peace Like a River Sympathy Card'],['b947', 'B947', 'item.', 'Peace on Earth Bookmark'],['b968', 'B968', 'item.', 'Peacemakers Bookmark'],['b996', 'B996', 'item.', 'Peony Birthday Bookmark'],['b964', 'B964', 'item.', 'Perfect Peace Bookmark'],['study-guide-bk98', '', 'auxiliary-pages', 'Personal Search for a Personal God Study Guide'],['personal-search-journal-bk98', 'BK98', 'item.', 'Personal Search Journal'],['c076', 'C076', 'item.', 'Pet Sympathy Greeting Card, with message'],['jewelry-pewter', '', 'item.', 'Pewter Rock Jewelry'],['b1033', 'B1033', 'item.', 'Philippians 1:3 Bookmark'],['pine-tree-pewter-necklace-np006', 'NP006', 'item.', 'Pine Tree Pewter Necklace'],['pc01r', 'PC01R', 'item.', 'Pink Cancer Prayer Card with hand painted Lake Superior stone'],['b997', 'B997', 'item.', 'Poppies Birthday Bookmark'],['c155a', 'C155A', 'item.', 'Poppy Joy Birthday Greeting Card, message inside'],['c155', 'C155', 'item.', 'Poppy Joy Greeting Card, blank inside'],['pray-without-ceasing-blank-note-c019', 'C019', 'item.', 'Pray Without Ceasing Blank Note'],['b984', 'B984', 'item.', 'Pray without ceasing Bookmark'],['prayer-card', '', 'item.', 'Prayer Cards'],['b1030', 'B1030', 'item.', 'Praying for You Bookmark'],['precious-gifts-greeting-card-c830a', 'C830A', 'item.', 'Precious Gifts Appreciation Greeting Card'],['precious-gifts-blank-note-c830', 'C830', 'item.', 'Precious Gifts Blank Note'],['precious-gifts-blank-note-set-c830s', 'C830S', 'item.', 'Precious Gifts Blank Note Set'],['privacypolicy', '', 'privacypolicy.', 'Privacy Policy'],['c077', 'C077', 'item.', 'Proud of You Greeting Card, with message'],['c130', 'C130', 'item.', 'Proud Peacock Greeting Card, blank inside'],['c130a', 'C130A', 'item.', 'Proud Peacock Greeting Card, message inside'],['b1007', 'B1007', 'item.', 'Psalm 121 Bookmark'],['b956', 'B956', 'item.', 'Psalm 121 Bookmark'],['b934', 'B934', 'item.', 'Psalm 23 Sheperd\'s Psalm Bookmark'],['c116a', 'C116A', 'item.', 'Psalm 46 Comfort Greeting Card, with message'],['c116', 'C116', 'item.', 'Psalm 46 Greeting Card, blank inside'],['c116s', 'C116S', 'item.', 'Psalm 46 Greeting Card, set of 6 blank notes'],['b938', 'B938', 'item.', 'Psalm 91:1 Rest Bookmark'],['stk-pea', 'STK-PEA', 'item.', 'Pursue Peace Sticker'],['quiet-bookmark-without-raffia-b03q', 'B03Q', 'item.', 'Quiet Bookmark'],['b953', 'B953', 'item.', 'Rainbow Covenant Bookmark'],['rainbow-greeting-card-c049', 'C049', 'item.', 'Rainbow Encouragement and Graduation Greeting Card'],['rejoicing-with-angels-greeting-card-c603', 'C603', 'item.', 'Rejoicing With Angels Greeting Card'],['b982', 'B982', 'item.', 'Remember to walk in the woods Bookmark'],['pew-n', 'PEW-N', 'item.', 'Remember to Walk in the Woods Rock Necklace'],['np001', 'NP001', 'item.', 'Remembrance Pewter Necklace'],['rest-bookmark-without-raffia-b03r', 'B03R', 'item.', 'Rest Bookmark'],['resting-places-stationery-pad-p815', 'P815', 'item.', 'Resting Places Stationery Pad'],['retail', '', 'auxiliary-pages', 'Retail Locations'],['cards-occasions-retirement', '', 'item.', 'Retirement'],['river-pewter-necklace-np003', 'NP003', 'item.', 'River Pewter Necklace'],['c107', 'C107', 'item.', 'River\'s Peace Greeting Card, blank inside'],['c107s', 'C107S', 'item.', 'River\'s Peace Greeting Card, set of 6 blank notes'],['c107a', 'C107A', 'item.', 'River\'s Peace Greeting Card, with message'],['rivers-of-god-bookmark-without-raffia-b199', 'B199', 'item.', 'Rivers Of God Bookmark'],['c101a', 'C101A', 'item.', 'Robin Birthday Greeting Card'],['c101', 'C101', 'item.', 'Robin Greeting Card, blank inside'],['rock-of-ages-blank-note-c014', 'C014', 'item.', 'Rock Of Ages Nature Blank Note'],['rock-of-ages-greeting-card-c014a', 'C014A', 'item.', 'Rock Of Ages Nature Greeting Card'],['rocks', '', 'item.', 'Rocks'],['b932', 'B932', 'item.', 'Romans 8:38 Love Bookmark'],['pc05r', 'PC05R', 'item.', 'Sage General Caregiver\'s Prayer Card with hand painted Lake Superior stone'],['clearance', '', 'item.', 'Sale Items'],['saved-by-grace-rock-necklace-pecn', 'PEC-N', 'item.', 'Saved by Grace Rock Necklace'],['b1047', 'B1047', 'item.', 'Savor Today Bookmark'],['tri-sav', 'TRI-SAV', 'item.', 'Savor Today Trivet'],['b1013', 'B1013', 'item.', 'Saying Prayers Bookmark'],['zadmin-scratchpad', '', 'admin-page', 'Scratch Pad'],['nsearch', '', 'search.', 'Search'],['seasons-gifts-greeting-card-c053a', 'C053A', 'item.', 'Season\'s Gifts All Occasions Greeting Card'],['seasons-gifts-blank-note-c053', 'C053', 'item.', 'Season\'s Gifts Blank Note'],['seasons-gifts-blank-note-set-c053s', 'C053S', 'item.', 'Season\'s Gifts Blank Note Set'],['b974', 'B974', 'item.', 'Seasons Bookmark'],['tri-sea', 'TRI-SEA', 'item.', 'Seasons Trivet'],['banner-christmas-cards', '', 'banner', 'See our entire Christmas collection!'],['b962', 'B962', 'item.', 'Seek First Bookmark'],['b1074', 'B1074', 'item.', 'Seek Silent Places Bookmark'],['b1029', 'B1029', 'item.', 'Serenity Bookmark'],['sharing-sorrow-greeting-card-c827', 'C827', 'item.', 'Sharing Sorrow Sympathy Greeting Card'],['c148', 'C148', 'item.', 'Sharing Sorrow Sympathy Greeting Card, message inside'],['b1058', 'B1058', 'item.', 'Shine in Dark Bookmark'],['b1020', 'B1020', 'item.', 'Shine Your Light Bookmark'],['b1048', 'B1048', 'item.', 'Shine Your Light Bookmark'],['c106', 'C106', 'item.', 'Showers of Blessing Greeting Card'],['about-mailing-list', '', 'auxiliary-pages', 'Sign up for Credo\'s Newsletter & Special Offers'],['banner-mailing-signup', '', 'banner', 'Sign up for Credo\'s Newsletter & Special Offers'],['b1035', 'B1035', 'item.', 'Silent Night Candle Bookmark'],['cc933s', 'CC933S', 'item.', 'Silent Night Christmas Card Set'],['jewelry-silver', '', 'item.', 'Silver Rock Jewelry'],['simple-christmas-prayer-christmas-card-cc913s', 'CC913S', 'item.', 'Simple Christmas Prayer Christmas Card Set'],['c108', 'C108', 'item.', 'Simple Prayer Greeting Card, blank inside'],['c108s', 'C108S', 'item.', 'Simple Prayer Greeting Card, set of 6 blank notes'],['c108a', 'C108A', 'item.', 'Simple Prayer Greeting Card, with message'],['c126', 'C126', 'item.', 'Simple Thank You Greeting Card, blank inside'],['c126a', 'C126A', 'item.', 'Simple Thank You Greeting Card, message inside'],['b939', 'B939', 'item.', 'Simplify Your Prayers Bookmark'],['b1071', 'B1071', 'item.', 'Simply Grateful Bookmark'],['b990', 'B990', 'item.', 'Sing a New Song Bookmark'],['b957', 'B957', 'item.', 'Sing Praise Bookmark'],['b1061', 'B1061', 'item.', 'Sisters Bookmark'],['ind', '', 'empty.', 'Site Map'],['b100-61', 'B1006', 'item.', 'Slow Me Down Bookmark'],['b1014', 'B1014', 'item.', 'Smile & Heart Bookmark'],['b960', 'B960', 'item.', 'So Grateful Bookmark'],['solitude-bookmark-without-raffia-b03s', 'B03S', 'item.', 'Solitude Bookmark'],['c094', 'C094', 'item.', 'Songbird Greeting Card, blank inside'],['c094s', 'C094S', 'item.', 'Songbird Greeting Card, set of 6 blank notes'],['c094a', 'C094A', 'item.', 'Songbird Greeting Card, with message'],['c158', 'C158', 'item.', 'Sorrow Like Sea Billows Sympathy Greeting Card, message inside'],['c114', 'C114', 'item.', 'Sparrow Greeting Card, blank inside'],['c114a', 'C114A', 'item.', 'Sparrow Greeting Card, with message'],['b1056', 'B1056', 'item.', 'Speak Hope Bookmark'],['ornaments-occasions', '', 'item.', 'Special Occasions'],['cards-occasions', '', 'item.', 'Special Occasions'],['holidays', '', 'item.', 'Special Occasions'],['b999', 'B999', 'item.', 'Special Thanks Bookmark'],['starry-night-christmas-card-set-cc809s', 'CC809S', 'item.', 'Starry Night Christmas Card Set'],['stationery', '', 'item.', 'Stationery'],['nature-stationery', '', 'item.', 'Stationery'],['b100-5', 'B1005', 'item.', 'Stay Calm Bookmark'],['c127', 'C127', 'item.', 'Stay Calm Greeting Card, blank inside'],['c127a', 'C127A', 'item.', 'Stay Calm Greeting Card, message inside'],['still-small-voice-bookmark-without-raffia-b920', 'B920', 'item.', 'Still Small Voice Bookmark'],['b1018', 'B1018', 'item.', 'Strong & Courageous Bookmark'],['c140', 'C140', 'item.', 'Strut Your Stuff Birthday Greeting Card, message inside'],['tri-sun', 'TRI-SUN', 'item.', 'Sun Rising & Setting Trivet'],['b976', 'B976', 'item.', 'Sun\'s Rising & Setting Bookmark'],['c115', 'C115', 'item.', 'Sunny & Bright Birthday Greeting Card, message inside'],['surprize-birthday-greeting-card-c723b', 'C723B', 'item.', 'Surprize Birthday Greeting Card'],['surprize-greeting-card-c723', 'C723', 'item.', 'Surprize Encouragement Greeting Card'],['cards-occasions-sympathy', '', 'item.', 'Sympathy'],['cp-syp', 'CP-SYM', 'item.', 'Sympathy Care Package'],['teacher-appreciation-greeting-card-c722', 'C722', 'item.', 'Teacher Appreciation Greeting Card'],['teacher-thanks-bookmark-without-raffia-b504', 'B504', 'item.', 'Teacher Thanks Bookmark'],['b940', 'B940', 'item.', 'Tears are Gifts Bookmark'],['temp-eight', 'temp-eight', 'item.', 'Temp Eight'],['temp-five', 'temp-five', 'item.', 'Temp Item'],['temp-four', 'temp-four', 'item.', 'Temp Item'],['temp-two', 'temp-two', 'item.', 'Temp Item Two'],['temp-section', '', 'item.', 'Temp Section'],['temp-seven', '', 'item.', 'Temp Seven'],['temp-six', 'temp-six', 'item.', 'Temp Six'],['b1064', 'B1064', 'item.', 'Tend to your Heart Bookmark'],['terms-of-use', '', 'auxiliary-pages', 'Terms of Use'],['temp-img-test', 'temp-img-test', 'item.', 'Test Image'],['xxx-markdown-item', '', 'item.', 'Test Markdown Item'],['c059a', 'C059A', 'item.', 'Thank You Banner Greeting Card, message inside'],['b1068', 'B1068', 'item.', 'Thank You Bookmark'],['c123a', 'C123A', 'item.', 'Thank You Bouquet Greeting Card'],['c123', 'C123', 'item.', 'Thank You Bouquet Greeting Card, blank inside'],['c123s', 'C123S', 'item.', 'Thank You Bouquet Greeting Card, set of 6 blank notes'],['b928', 'B928', 'item.', 'Thanks Bookmark'],['thanks-bookmark-without-raffia-b03t', 'B03T', 'item.', 'Thanks Bookmark'],['b1042', 'B1042', 'item.', 'The Day is Yours Bookmark'],['b946', 'B946', 'item.', 'The Old Rugged Cross Bookmark'],['the-vine-bookmark-without-raffia-b198', 'B198', 'item.', 'The Vine Bookmark'],['there-are-no-words-greeting-card-c031', 'C031', 'item.', 'There are no Words Sympathy Card'],['b995', 'B995', 'item.', 'Thinking of You Butterfly Bookmark'],['tiny-miracles-greeting-card-c056', 'C056', 'item.', 'Tiny Miracles Baby Greeting Card'],['c083', 'C083', 'item.', 'Toast to Friends Greeting Card, message inside'],['travelers-sunset-greeting-card-c030a', 'C030A', 'item.', 'Traveler\'s Sunset Birthday Greeting Card'],['travelers-sunset-blank-note-c030', 'C030', 'item.', 'Traveler\'s Sunset Blank Note'],['travelers-sunset-blank-note-set-c030s', 'C030S', 'item.', 'Traveler\'s Sunset, set of 6 blank notes'],['tree-huggers', '', 'item.', 'Tree Hugger Designs'],['stk-trh', 'STK-TRH', 'item.', 'Tree Hugger Sticker'],['c073', 'C073', 'item.', 'Trillium Greeting Card, blank inside'],['c073a', 'C073A', 'item.', 'Trillium Sympathy Greeting Card, message inside'],['coasters', '', 'item.', 'Trivets'],['new-coasters', '', 'item.', 'Trivets'],['c063', 'C063', 'item.', 'True Friends Appreciation Greeting Card, message inside'],['b929', 'B929', 'item.', 'Trust Bookmark'],['c134', 'C134', 'item.', 'Trust God\'s Love Greeting Card, blank inside'],['c134a', 'C134A', 'item.', 'Trust God\'s Love Greeting Card, message inside'],['c087', 'C087', 'item.', 'Trust Greeting Card, blank inside'],['c087s', 'C087S', 'item.', 'Trust Greeting Card, set of 6 blank notes'],['c087a', 'C087A', 'item.', 'Trust Greeting Card, with message'],['tulip-thank-you-blank-note-c508', 'C508', 'item.', 'Tulip Thank You Blank Note'],['twig-cross-pewter-necklace-np9', 'NP9', 'item.', 'Twig Cross Pewter Necklace'],['understand-bookmark-without-raffia-b03u', 'B03U', 'item.', 'Understand Bookmark'],['b978', 'B978', 'item.', 'Unexpected Ways Bookmark'],['valentines', '', 'item.', 'Valentine\'s Day Gifts'],['bookmarks-any', '', 'item.', 'View All'],['pc04r', 'PC04R', 'item.', 'Violet General Illness Prayer Card with hand painted Lake Superior stone'],['visualize-bookmark-without-raffia-b03v', 'B03V', 'item.', 'Visualize Bookmark'],['vd-bm100', 'VD-BM100', 'item.', 'Volume Discount 100 Bookmarks'],['vd-100', 'VD-100', 'item.', 'Volume Discount 100 Greeting Cards'],['vd-bm150', 'VD-BM150', 'item.', 'Volume Discount 150 Bookmarks'],['vd-150', 'VD-150', 'item.', 'Volume Discount 150 Quantity Greeting Cards'],['vd-bm50', 'VD-BM50', 'item.', 'Volume Discount 50 Bookmarks'],['vd-50', 'VD-50', 'item.', 'Volume Discount 50 Greeting Cards'],['volume-discounts', '', 'item.', 'Volume Discounts'],['walk-bookmark-without-raffia-b03w', 'B03W', 'item.', 'Walk Bookmark'],['c100', 'C100', 'item.', 'Walk in the Woods Birthday Greeting Card'],['bnd-woo', 'BND-WOO', 'item.', 'Walk in the Woods Wristband'],['way-of-peace-christmas-card-set-cc910s', 'CC910S', 'item.', 'Way of Peace Christmas Card Set'],['cc9281', 'CC928S', 'item.', 'We have a Savior Christmas Card Set'],['b987', 'B987', 'item.', 'We Love Bookmark'],['cards-wedding', '', 'item.', 'Wedding'],['cards-occasions-wedding', '', 'item.', 'Wedding'],['c097', 'C097', 'item.', 'Wedding Blessing Greeting Card, with message'],['c068', 'C068', 'item.', 'Wedding Greeting Card, message inside'],['c119', 'C119', 'item.', 'Wedding Love Greeting Card'],['cc931', 'CC931S', 'item.', 'Welcome Christmas Poinsettia Christmas Card Set '],['welcome-little-one-greeting-card-c037', 'C037', 'item.', 'Welcome Little One Baby Greeting Card'],['c160', 'C160', 'item.', 'Welcome Little One Baby Greeting Card, message inside'],['wherever-you-go-greeting-card-c003', 'C003', 'item.', 'Wherever You Go Graduation/Retirement Card'],['wholesale', '', 'auxiliary-pages', 'Wholesale Information'],['c081', 'C081', 'item.', 'Wildly Blessed Birthday Greeting Card, with message'],['willow-greeting-card-c046', 'C046', 'item.', 'Willow Remembrance Card'],['wind-and-spirit-without-raffia-b509w', 'B509W', 'item.', 'Wind & Spirit Bookmark'],['c142a', 'C142A', 'item.', 'Wise Owl Birthday Greeting Card, message inside'],['c142', 'C142', 'item.', 'Wise Owl Greeting Card, blank inside'],['b980', 'B980', 'item.', 'With God all is possible Bookmark'],['with-gratitude-greeting-card-c036a', 'C036A', 'item.', 'With Gratitude Appreciation Greeting Card'],['with-gratitude-blank-note-c036', 'C036', 'item.', 'With Gratitude Blank Note'],['with-gratitude-blank-note-set-c036s', 'C036S', 'item.', 'With Gratitude Blank Note Set'],['tri-woo', 'TRI-WOO', 'item.', 'Woods Trivet'],['c138', 'C138', 'item.', 'Worth Celebrating Birthday Bird, message inside'],['xxx-test-markdown', '', 'auxiliary-pages', 'XXX Test Markdown XXX'],['yes-bookmark-without-raffia-b03y', 'B03Y', 'item.', 'Yes Bookmark'],['c102a', 'C102A', 'item.', 'You & the Bees Birthday Greeting Card'],['c102', 'C102', 'item.', 'You & the Bees Greeting Card, blank inside'],['b945', 'B945', 'item.', 'You are a Blessing Bookmark'],['b979', 'B979', 'item.', 'You Are Awesome! Bookmark'],['c133', 'C133', 'item.', 'You are Essential Greeting Card, message inside'],['b1000', 'B1000', 'item.', 'You are Loved Bookmark'],['you-are-my-sunshine-blank-note-c028', 'C028', 'item.', 'You are my Sunshine Grand Child Greeting Card'],['you-are-my-sunshine-greeting-card-c028a', 'C028A', 'item.', 'You are my Sunshine Grandchild Birthday Card'],['c060', 'C060', 'item.', 'You Come to Mind Banner Greeting Card, blank inside'],['c060s', 'C060S', 'item.', 'You Come to Mind Banner Greeting Card, set of 6 blank notes'],['c062a', 'c060A', 'item.', 'You Come to Mind Banner Greeting Card, with message'],['c104a', 'C104A', 'item.', 'You Come to Mind Greeting Card'],['c104', 'C104', 'item.', 'You Come to Mind Greeting Card, blank inside'],['b1019', 'B1019', 'item.', 'You ROCK Bookmark'],['b944', 'B944', 'item.', 'You\'re Amazing Bookmark'],['zest-bookmark-without-raffia-b03z', 'B03Z', 'item.', 'Zest Bookmark'],['index', '', 'main.', ''],['css-base', '', 'css.', ''],['css-edits', '', 'css.', ''],['css-element', '', 'css.', ''],['css-contents', '', 'css.', ''],['404-intercept', '', 'raw-html.', ''],['googleb445831bf8506e4b', '', 'raw-html.', ''],['mail-order-form', '', 'raw-html.', ''],null];